姓名: 林貫浤
性別: 男
出生年月日: 七十八年六月二十一日
星座: 雙子
生肖: 蛇
興趣: 開車、球類運動



水解磷酸酯(LPA)為一種被發現大量存在於血小板的小分子,目前被發現參與在許多幹細胞分化的調控路徑之中。實驗室先前發表的文章中發現LPA會經由活化LPA receptor 3 (LPA3) 來促進紅血球的分化。因此,在我的實驗裡,我利用人類臍帶血分離出來的血球幹細胞以及小鼠來研究LPA在血小板的分化路徑裡扮演何種角色。






Kuan-Hung Lin
Ph.D Student, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University
E-mail: d03b21006@ntu.edu.tw
Address: R504, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106 Taiwan
Phone:  +886-2-3366-2499 (O)
B. S.     Life Science, National Taiwan University, June 2011
M.S.   Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University, 2014
2011/09-2015/09        Teaching Assistant, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Award Received


Poster Award
Poster Award
Outstanding Teaching Assistant


Poster presentation
K-H Lin, PY Wu, and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C in neuroblastoma cell lines. The 6th Tsukuba Medical Science Research Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan
K-H Lin, PY Wu, H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C in SK-N-DZ and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell lines. Experimental Biology 2012: 657.5, P183. 2012. (Selected presentation by ASIP)
K-H Lin, PY Wu, and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C in neuroblastoma cell lines. 謝德貴壁報比賽, Institute of Zoology, NTU. 2012
K-H Lin, PY Wu, and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C in neuroblastoma cell lines. The 7th Tsukuba Medical Science Research Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan.
K-H Lin, C-L. Chiang, C-L Yao and H. Lee. Lysophosphatidic acid inhibits megakaryocyte differentiation in CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. Experimental Biology 2013: 1146.1, B509, 2013
K-H Lin, C-L. Chiang, C-L Yao and H. Lee. Lysophosphatidic acid inhibits megakaryocyte differentiation in CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. FASEB SRC Lysophospholipids and other related mediators: From bench to clinical, 2013
K-H Lin, PY Wu, and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGFs expressions in neuroblastoma cell lines. 謝德貴壁報比賽, Institute of Zoology, NTU. 2013 (Poster award)
K-H Lin, W-C Weng, PY Wu, YC Lu, BJ Wang, YF Liao, WM Hsu and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C expression in neuroblastoma cell lines. Experimental Biology 2015: 974.5, B334. 2015.

K-H Lin, W-C Weng, PY Wu, YC Lu, BJ Wang, YF Liao, WM Hsu and H Lee. Calreticulin-dependent VEGF-A expression enhances neuronal differentiation in neuroblastoma. 謝德貴壁報比賽, Department of Life Science, NTU. 2015 (Poster award)

Oral presentation
K-H Lin, PY Wu, and H Lee. Calreticulin up-regulates VEGF-A and VEGF-C in neuroblastoma cell lines. Japan-Taiwan Neuroblastoma Symposium, 2013
K-H Lin, Y-N Lin, Y-H Ho, M-W Lee, S-H Lin, C-L Yao and H Lee. The Roles of LPA receptors in erythropoiesis. The 12th NTU-Japan International Student Mini-Symposium on Life Sciences, 2013

Research paper

  1. Ho YH, Yao CL, Lin KH, Hou FH, Chen WM, Chiang CL, Lin YN, Li MW, Lin SH, Yang YJ, Lin CC, Lu J, Tigyi G, Lee H. Opposing regulation of megakaryopoiesis by LPA receptors 2 and 3 in K562 human erythroleukemia cells. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1851, 172-183, doi:10.1016/j.bbalip.2014.11.009 (2015).
  2. Weng WC, Lin KH, Wu PY, Lu YC, Weng YC, Wang BJ, Liao YF, Hsu WM, Lee WT, Lee H. Calreticulin Regulates VEGF-A in Neuroblastoma Cells. Molecular neurobiology 52, 758-770, doi:10.1007/s12035-014-8901-8 (2015).











電話 (TEL) - (02)-33662499

地址 (Address) - 106 台北市羅斯福路四段一號 國立台灣大學生命科學系 504 室

. 建立日期:2007年7月
. 最後更新:2017年10月

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